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Events in Oakville: January 8, 2014

Town Crier at Oakville Levee 2014, Oakville News | Oakville News
Town Crier at Oakville Levee 2014, Oakville News | Oakville News


[events_list scope='2014-01-08']

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The deep freeze that Oakville has been under for the past 48 hours is making its way out of town as this morning's temperature starts off at minus 15. Once the sun rises at 7:51 AM the temperature will reach minus 10 by mid-afternoon. The chance of snow is 10 percent as the sky stays clear. The sun sets at 4:59 PM, and as we head through tonight the temperature will drop back down to minus 13 with a windchill of eight degrees. Enjoy this beautiful winter's day.
