This is the May 19th Oakville COVID-19 Update. Locally we are continuing to see more new cases than recoveries, but it appears to be due to province's continued focus on testing at LTC facilities. On a provincial and national level the number of deaths has dropped into the double digits.
May 19th Oakville COVID-19 Update
Plus or Minus figure is tabulated from the last update which was May 18th.
Status of COVID-19 Cases in Oakville
Case information was released on May 19, 2020 at 9:10 AM for the end of day of May 18, 2020
- Confirmed cases in Oakville is 198 - plus 2
- Likely cases in Oakville is 25 - plus 1
- Confirmed and likely cases total is 223 - plus 8
- Total Deaths: 3 - No Change
- Recoveries: 163 (82.3% of confirmed cases)
- Completed Cases: 166 (recovered & deaths) (74.4% of all cases)
- 3 Oakville Institutions Outbreaks - with 3 confirmed cases - No Change
- 4 resolved Oakville Institutional Outbreaks
- Oakville accounts for 34% of Halton's cases
- 34% cases are attributed to Community Transmission
Halton Region COVID-19 Update
Plus or Minus figure is tabulated from the last update which was May 18th.
- 27.2% of all cases originate in a Halton institution
- Halton Health Department indicates that anyone with symptoms compatible with COVID-19 can be assessed and tested through the local hospital assessment centres. However an appointment is necessary.
- 5 patients are being treated in Halton Healthcare hospitals
- Halton Healthcare's hospitals are treating fewer COVID-19 cases than even the province’s best case scenario, and they are now looking at how to safely resume many of their clinical services.
Status of COVID-19 Cases in Halton
Case information was released on May 19, 2020 at 9:10 AM for the end of day of May 18, 2020
- 587 COVID-19 confirmed cases - plus 10
- 74 cases believed to be positive but awaiting confirmation - plus 4
- 661 Total cases (confirmed and probable) - plus 14
- 486 recovered (82.7% of all confirmed cases) - Plus 10
- 25 deaths (11 related to institutions - 44%) - No Change
- 511 cases resolved - 77.3% of all
- 5 ongoing institutions outbreaks - less 1
- 180 cases related to institutions
- 43% of Halton cases are attributed to Community Transmission
- 83 cases were hospitalized
- 17 institutions declared an outbreak
Ontario COVID-19 Update
- All schools will be closed until at least the start of the new school year in September 2020
- All sleep-over camps can not operate this summer
- Child care centres are expected to resume operating in July 2020
- Day Camps (indoors & outdoors) are expected to resumer operating in July 2020.
- Province changes reporting to create subsets for Long-Term Care cases and deaths
- 31.8% of cases originated in an institution, and account for 69.3% of all deaths
- Massive decline in the number of tests performed
- Ontario government is working with Medical Innovation Xchange (MIX), Canada's first industry-led hub for med-tech start-ups, to provide non-medical manufacturing companies free support as they retool to provide essential supplies and equipment to health care facilities during COVID-19.
- Expanded seven-point summer learning plan
Status of COVID-19 Cases in Ontario
Plus or Minus figure is tabulated from the last update which was May 15th.
Information for May 18, 2020 at 4:00 PM, and posted May 19, 2020 at 10:30 AM
- 23,384 confirmed cases which is an increase of 427 cases (1.9% increase)
- 17,898 cases are recovered 76.8% of all cases - plus 260
- 1,919 deaths 8.3% of those confirmed cases - plus 15
- 19,817 resolved cases (deaths & recovered) or 84.7%
- 559,794 people tested in total
- 5,813 tests performed
- 2,294 cases under investigation
- 987 people hospitalized - plus 15
- 167 people in ICU - less 7
- 123 people requiring ventilators - less 10
- 35.3% of cases trace back to community transmission
Summary of Institutional Outbreaks:
Long Term Care Homes, Retirement Homes, Hospitals
- 472 outbreaks
- 5,292 patients cases
- 2,137 staff cases
- 1,330 patient & staff deaths
Canada COVID-19 Update
Status of COVID-19 Cases in Canada
Information was released as of May 19, 2020 at 11:00 AM for May 18, 2020
- Total number of confirmed and suspected cases in Canada is 78,449
- 1,070 new cases
- 5,857 deaths - plus 60
- 39,976 recoveries - plus 1,148
- 44,633 resolved cases (58.4% of all cases)
- 4,232 cases required hospitalization
- 953 cases in hospital in intensive care
- 81% of cases related to community transmission