Oakville is hoping to use an expected $16.9 million in provincial housing grants to cover the cost of rehabbing the Royal Windsor Drive bridge and preparing the Palermo area for new development.
The province’s $1.2 billion Building Faster Fund (BFF) allocates infrastructure money to municipalities that achieve a targeted number of new housing starts.
The town is seeking provincial approval to use its BFF funding for the following projects:
1. Royal Windsor Drive bridge rehabilitation - $9 million
Built in 1954, the bridge is a town-owned structure that crosses the GO’s Lakeshore West rail tracks, just west of Ford Drive.
Read more here: Repair costs for Royal Windsor Drive bridge jump from $9 million to $23 million
2. Khalsa Gate Urbanization and Streetscape - $7.9 million
Khalsa Gate is located in the Palermo Village area slated for high density development. Work will reconstruct the sewer and roadway infrastructure, bury overhead hydro lines and utilities and add bike lanes, parking, wide sidewalks and boulevards.