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Student immunization record required or face suspension

immunization record | Dr PS Sahana * Kadamtala Howrah  -  Foter  -  CC BY
immunization record | Dr PS Sahana * Kadamtala Howrah - Foter - CC BY

Halton can and might suspend any Oakville High school student who does not have up-to-date immunization record or exemption. Students must provide proof to the Health Department by February 8th. The Health Department in light of this can suspend students for 20 days, starting February 9, 2018.

“In order to keep the community healthy and safe from the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases, the Halton Region Health Department is reviewing the immunization records of high school students in Halton to ensure they are up-to-date with important vaccines,” said Dr. Hamidah Meghani, Halton Region’s Medical Officer of Health. “While the majority of families in Halton have up to date immunizations, many are unaware that they need to update the Health Department after every immunization.”

The Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) was passed in 1990. Legislators passed the law to protect the health of children and communities. They ensured students are up-to-date with their immunizations in order to stop preventable diseases. High school students require the following immunizations:

  1. Diphtheria
  2. Pertussis
  3. Tetanus
  4. Polio
  5. Measles
  6. Mumps
  7. Rubella
  8. Meningococcal disease
  9. Varicella (chicken pox) – required for children born in 2010 or later.

The department of health notified high school students with incomplete immunization records in September 2017 and also provided a list of the missing information, and how to submit the information. They not only provided meningococcal immunization for students born in 2000 to 2003, but also had clinics in high schools in November and December. Family doctors can provide students with additional required vaccines.

How to Submit Immunization Record

The department will accept photo's of their child's record online at, or the OneHalton App, additionally if they are dropped off or mailed to 1151 Bronte Road in Oakville. They will also accept records dropped off at Halton Health Care clinics. For a list of eligible clinics in Oakville, please call 311.


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