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The Trojan Women brings its anti-war story to the Oakville Centre

Classical theatre doesn't come often to the Oakville Centre stage, let alone like that local artists are staging in this famous Greek play

It's all greek to Oakville's West End Studio Theatre. And though the play is tragic, the commitment of the theatre artists behind their new staging of the The Trojan Women carries a righteous call.

First written by Euripides in Greece almost 2,500 years ago, The Trojan Women is among the most famous tragedies of the classical theatre canon. And despite it being written a few millienia ago, this is the first time the play is being presented at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts.

This is the opening show for West End Studio's (WEST) 2024/25 season, now their second in the Oakville Centre's studio. The reception from audiences saw sold-out runs of all three productions last year, and a near sell-out for last week's return engagement of Twelve Angry Men.

Read more here: WEST revives Twelve Angry Men after sold out run

But director Yo Mustafa says the play - written an anti-war narrative highlighting the postwar struggles of the women left behind after the famed Trojan War - is just as resonant and critical today as it was when first performed.

"Somehow, humanity has not learned the lesson that war is bad," says Mustafa. "This play is a kind of cautious art for humankind."

"We obviously know that genocide and war are bad, and in our show the after effects from war are seen by gods and goddesses. But in real life, it’s real people who are affected. The leaders don't suffer - it’s the women and children. It’s the general public."

The show opens today, and runs for five performances this weekend:

  • Thursday, Sept. 19 at 7:30 p.m.
  • Friday, Sept. 20 at 7:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, Sept. 21 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, Sept. 22 at 2 p.m.

Leading the cast as Hecuba is Burlington actor Kelly Kimpton, last seen in Burlington's award winning production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

She echoes the urgency of telling this story today of her director, adding the play "is as relevant today as when it was written. The world is a madhouse, but the women today are still victims of war."

Her greatest challenge in leading a long, demanding play like The Trojan Women is staying grounded in the grave emtions of the story.

"It’s a very emotional role for me so I have to dig deep to hold on to those emotions. Not to mention that it's also a long script - there’s a lot of lines to remember!"

Classical theatre doesn't come often to the Oakville Centre stage, let alone in a balanced and beautiful design like WEST and their creative team have brought to the stage. It's a rare chance to see community theatre done at its highest calibre.

The Trojan Women

By Euripides

Directed by Yo Mustafa

Now playing at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts until Sept. 22, 2024.

All tickets are $30 and are available here with the Oakville Centre box office. 

Starring Jessica Buckerfield, Heather Cunningham, Moe Dwyer, Lucy Ellis, Dia Gupta Frid, Mylo Gussi, Amiee Kessler Evans, Kelly Kimpton, Matthew Madzelan, Christine Marchetti, Rod McTaggart, Brian Melanson, Adam Patterson, Hannibal Ramirez, Chris Reid, Claire Sears, Kayla Wheelan and Matthew Wilson.

Audiences should be advised the show is recommended for those aged 13 and up.


Tyler Collins

About the Author: Tyler Collins

Tyler Collins is the editor for Oakville News. Originally from Campbellton, New Brunswick, he's lived in Oakville more than 20 years. Tyler is a proud Sheridan College graduate of both Journalism and Performing Arts.
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