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Vaccine appointments for seniors 80+ now available in Oakville

Vaccine appointments are now available in Oakville and throughout Halton Region for seniors age 80 and over. Here's how to book an appointment.

Starting today, Oakville residents who are 80 years of age and older can book their appointment to receive their COVID-19 vaccine at St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre, which has been designated as Oakville's first COVID-19 vaccination clinic outside of Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital.

Eligible residents throughout Halton can also book vaccine appointments at their local COVID-19 vaccination clinic, depending where in Halton they reside.

Vaccine appointments for Oakville residents will first be available at St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre, located at 1280 Dundas Street in Oakville.

"Our booking system is now live and taking appointments for our 80+ community," said Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr. “While the Province is launching a booking system later this month, our team has been working around the clock to get Halton residents booked and vaccinated as soon as possible."

Clinics are by appointment only (Halton Regional Health is asking "please no walk-ins") and must be booked online through Halton Region’s booking system (available at this link) or through 311 if assistance is required. Please do not call clinic locations directly; bookings can only be made through Halton Region.

Halton Regional Health has also provided additional instructions and information for those booking appointments:

  • Halton residents 80 years of age and older can book an appointment at any one of Halton’s COVID-19 Vaccination Centres through the online booking system.
  • Residents who are not 80 years of age and older: please do not call 311 or visit the online booking system to ensure eligible residents have access. Residents are asked to review the list of who is currently eligible in Halton and where to book appointments.
  • Eligible residents who are 80 years of age and older can call 311 if they require booking support. Please only call 311 if you are unable to book online to ensure those residents requiring support can be assisted.
  • Halton Region is offering transportation services to and from appointments for residents who require support, free of charge.
  • Vaccinations are by appointment only (no walk-ins) and must be booked through Halton Region’s online system or through 311. Please do not call the clinic locations directly for an appointment or to ask questions about Halton’s vaccination program.
  • There will be appointments available to book for every resident who is 80 years of age and older during March and April. All appointments are contingent on the availability of vaccine supply.
  • To maintain physical distancing and safety measures, please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment and not earlier.

Dr. Hamidah Meghani, Halton's Medical Officer of Health, said, "Getting more vulnerable populations vaccinated is a major step towards achieving community immunity and preventing severe illness from COVID-19."

"While we continue to focus on vaccinations for priority populations identified by the Province, please be patient and prepared to be vaccinated when it is your turn. Please make sure you are accessing accurate information on vaccine safety and effectiveness, including information on our website."

If you are above 80 years of age and ready to book an appointment, please visit this link.

Here is a list of where all vaccination clinics in Halton are (excluding Halton hospitals) as of Wednesday, March 3, 2021:


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