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Need to Refresh? Take a Course

Stirring a pot on a stove | NicoleAbalde via  -  CC BY-ND
Stirring a pot on a stove | NicoleAbalde via - CC BY-ND
Strawberry Plant | Limerick6 via  -  CC BY-ND
Strawberry Plant | Limerick6 via - CC BY-ND

It’s spring and even though things seem almost out-of-control busy, I am going to sign up for a course. I have not decided what the topic will be but I am going to do it.

I am doing it for three reasons.

  1. One of my new year’s resolutions was to learn more.
  2. Fitting something in to my schedule will force me to use my time better.
  3. I will meet new people.

Pretty powerful stuff right?

There are so many options for learning. I can go to my local YMCA or community college. I can talk with friends and colleagues. I can also check out LinkedIn Learning. The site offers a ton of different choices. You don’t have to take a course on the site; you can just use it for ideas and then find the material delivered in person in your community.

I have not decided if I will learn something for my business life or my personal life. In the end, I don’t think it will matter. The act of doing something new will impact both parts of my routine.

Say I learn to make a soufflé. I will invite friends over and they will be really impressed with my new culinary skills. I will come to work the next day with a new found confidence and generally feeling pretty good about myself. That will make me more effective in my job.

But if I learn how to ask better interview questions, that will be good too. I will be able to put forward better quality candidates and my clients will be happier. I will go home feeling positive and that will make dinner with my family more fun.

So, it doesn’t really matter what I decide to learn. The important thing is to sign up and see it through. What will you learn this spring?
