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Events in Oakville: April 15, 2014

Foil Easter Eggs | OakvilleNews.Org
Foil Easter Eggs | OakvilleNews.Org


[events_list scope='2014-04-15']

#_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES



This morning's snow will be with us until this evening. Snow accumulation is expected to reach 6 cm, making this morning's commute a little more complicated. It's cooled down significantly to zero, with a high of plus 2. Once the sun sets at 8:02 PM, the temperature will continue to drop to minus 6 overnight under partially overcast skies. The North-West wind which carrying in this unpleasant reminder of winter continues to be strong with average speeds up to 30 km/h and gusts reaching 50 km/h. So drive with extra caution, and grab your winter coats. Enjoy your day!
