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Events in Oakville: January 17, 2014


[events_list scope='2014-01-17']

#_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES



You'll be slip sliding away this morning as the light snow is coupled with temperatures hovering around the freezing mark creating slick driving conditions. The winds coming out of the south at 25 km/h gusting up to 48 km/h are creating a windchill of 6 degrees. As the wind moves to South-West we'll see it calm down to 15 km/h. The sun rises at 7:47 AM and it might pop out during this afternoon as we hit the day's high of plus 1. Once the sun sets at 5:09 PM and the snow will return as the temperature slowly drops to minus 7. So grab your snow boots, gloves, scarf and hat as well as your smile, since the work week is ending. Have a great day and drive safely.
