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Interior Decorating and Design Secret #1

Often I get asked "How do I ...?". With this TRENDS series I will reveal some Interior Decorating & Design secrets of how to's. Follow these professional tips that I utilize as a Certified Interior Decorator, and you will be able to decorate your space and achieve the outcome you want.

91How to Use Dark Colour on Walls

How to Use Dark Colour on Walls

  1. Choose "grayed down" colours. Avoid very bright, and child-like colours to achieve a sophisticated look.
  2. Trim, door, and paneling colour to be a "true white" - the whiter the better. You want this clean contrast! 
  3. Ceiling colour to be a "true white" - the whiter the ceiling the higher it will appear and feel.
  4. Large furniture pieces should be a lighter shade of the wall colour or a light neutral. For example - a grayed blue on the walls would be a great back drop for a sandy cream sofa and chairs.
  5. Accessories can be white, have texture, and some fun pattern. Large scale art work on these dark walls makes a big impact.

Now you know the secrets - let me know how you make out.
