The race is officially on. The 2018 provincial candidates for Oakville and Oakville North-Burlington have been announced with a few exceptions. As updates are received we will update this site.
Update - June 4/18
- Ontario PC Platform
Update - May 26/18
- Ontario Liberal Platform
Updates - May 22/18
- NDP Candidate for Oakville North-Burlington Riding Information
- Advanced Polling Stations and times for both ridings
- Ontario PC Plan Survey, which gives some insight into their platform
Update - May 12/18
NDP Candidate for Oakville Riding information
So to keep you informed here are the names, political affiliations, campaign office links and party platforms.
Some information was not available at the time of this post; however, each riding office was contacted. There is at least one link for each party in each riding. The Liberal and the Progressive Conservative organizations indicated that their platforms are not available, but will be released at a later date.
Next week, the Oakville Chamber of Commerce will be holding an all Candidates meeting, and that information will be posted. In addition, the Region has put forth questions and the answers will also be posted. Oakville News has done interviews with several of the candidates already, and hope to have that wrapped up soon.
However, this doesn't preclude you from asking questions and seeking information. During elections there is a tremendous amount of rhetoric with some times little substance. Be an informed voter. What things really matter to you and effect your life, and the lives of your family?
The names of candidates are listed by their last name in alphabetical ordered. Oakville News does not endorse any candidate or political party. Having the facts allows voters to make their own decision.
2018 Provincial Candidates
Oakville Riding
Stephen Crawford - Progressive Conservative
Emily DeSousa - Green
Kevin Flynn - Liberal
Spencer Oklobdzija - Libertarian
Leslie Sprague - NDP
Oakville North-Burlington Riding
Alvin Tedjo - Liberal
Platform not available
Effie Triantafilopoulos - Progressive Conservative
Marianne Workman - Green
Charles Zach - Libertarian
Saima Zaidi - NDP
Advance Polling Locations:
Advance polling locations will open on May 26th until May 30th. Hours are each location are 10:00 AM until 8:00 PM. Each location is wheelchair accessible.
Oakville Riding
- 171 Speers RD, Oakville, L6K 3W8
- Oakville Town Hall
- 1225 Trafalgar RD, Oakville, L6H 0H3
Oakville North Burlington Riding
- King's Christian Collegiate
- 528 Burnhamthorpe RD W, Oakville, L6M 4K6
- River Oaks Community Centre
- 2400 Sixth LINE, Oakville, L6H 3N8
- Tansley Woods Community Centre
- 1996 Itabashi WAY, Burlington, L7M 4J8
It takes incredible courage to run for public office. With that in mind, Oakville News thanks all the candidates for their willingness to participate in our electoral system.
Elections Canada Map for Oakville and Oakville North-Burlington Ridings