This is the Monday, June 21, 2021 coronavirus update. Oakville recorded just five new cases, and Halton recorded 32. Halton hospitals continue to treat fewer COVID-19 patients, and the vaccination program hit another high, recording 9,335 vaccinations on Saturday, June 20.
Halton records 13.2 new cases per week per 100,000 down 40.8%, and Ontario records 18.6 new cases down 24.4% from two weeks ago.
As of June 28, Halton residents eligible for a second dose can book their second vaccination.
Halton has fully vaccinated 19%, and 76% of Halton eligible residents have received one dose. Ontario has fully vaccinated 20.1% of its population or 22.98% of the eligible. 74.98% of those who are eligible have received one dose. Canada has fully vaccinated 21.8% of eligible residents, and 75% have received one dose. The US has vaccinated 62.4% of eligible residents (12 and up) and fully vaccinated 52.8%. The most protected country with just under 60% of residents are fully vaccinated is Israel.
According to Our World Data 21.8% of the world has had one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, but only 0.9% of the people who live in the poorest countries have received a single dose.
Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital is treating two COVID-19 patients, and Halton's hospitals are treating nine. Ontario's hospitalization number 261 seems off, as more people in ICU (261) than in hospital. The number of Canadians in hospital is 1,088 down 81.
The only area that is concerning is the ever-increasing number of Delta variant cases. Ontario currently has 887, of which 136 were recorded within the past 24 hours.
**Vaccine booking update: Beginning today, Halton is booking and rebooking second vaccinations for all residents who received the first dose of any first dose vaccine on or before May 30, 2021. The wait time between the first and second doses of mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) is 28 days.
Those who received AstraZeneca as their first dose can now be vaccinated within 8 weeks, with informed consent. The NACI of Canada is now recommending those who got a first dose of AstraZeneca gets a second dose of an mRNA vaccine.
Note: Oakville figures, including Halton vaccine updates, are updated Monday to Friday. Ontario and global cases are also updated on Saturdays.
Oakville and Halton COVID-19 update
Summary of local vaccinations
- 19% of eligible Halton residents are fully vaccinated
- 76% have received at least one dose
- 479,544 vaccine doses administered - Friday - 8357 (1st dose 1,627/ 2nd 6,730), Saturday - 9,335 (1st dose 2,219/ 2nd 7,116); Sunday 8,103 (1st dose 1,627/ 2nd 6,476)
Changes in figures are since the Oakville News update on June 19, 2021, because Halton no longer updates COVID-19 numbers on weekends.
- 15 active cases - minus 9 (2 days)
- 2 patients at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital - minus 1
- 5,617 total cases (confirmed and probable) - plus 5 (1 day)
- 67 deaths - no change
- 5,535 recoveries - plus 14 (2 days)
- 5,602 completed (recoveries+deaths) cases - 99.7% of cases
- 1,786 variant cases - plus 1
- Zero outbreaks - no change
Status in Halton
- 74 active cases - minus 14 (2 days)
- 8 cases in hospitals across Halton - no change
- 17,925 total cases (confirmed+probable) - plus 32
- 229 deaths - no change
- 17,622 recoveries - plus 46 (2 days)
- 17,851 completed (recoveries+deaths) cases - 99.5% of cases
- 5,893 variant cases - plus 12
- 3 outbreaks - minus 1
Note: Halton Region combines its recovery count into one number with probable, now closed cases. This total includes some cases that were not coronavirus recoveries. Halton Region does not publish the names of workplaces with active outbreaks.
Ontario COVID-19 update
Summary of provincial vaccinations
- 9.69 million people have received at least one vaccine dose (65.56% of pop.)
- At least 2.72 million people are fully vaccinated (20.1%)
- 12.66 million vaccine doses administered - plus 184,000
Changes are from yesterday’s figures. The province released the information on June 21, 2021, as of the end of yesterday.
- 3,454 active cases - minus 201
- 261 people hospitalized - minus 5
- 542,468 confirmed cases - plus 270
- 529,992 recovered cases - plus 486
- 9,022 deaths - plus 3
- 539,014 resolved cases (deaths & recovered) or 99.3%
- 13,828 tests conducted with a positive rate of 2.5%
- 268 people in ICU - minus 7
- 175 people on ventilators - minus 8
- 17 active, ongoing institutional outbreaks - no change
Summary of variants of concern (VOC)
- 142,215 confirmed cases of the alpha (B.1.1.7) variant - plus 102
- 1,154 confirmed cases of beta (B.1.351) variant - no change
- 4,254 confirmed cases of gamma (P.1) variant - plus 24
- 887 confirmed cases of delta (B.1.617.2) variant - plus 136
Canadian and Global COVID-19 updates
Summary of national vaccinations
- 25.14 million people have received at least one vaccine dose (65.95% of pop.)
- At least 7.26 million people are fully vaccinated (19.05%)
- 32.41 million vaccine doses administered - plus 321,000
Changes in Canadian figures are since the last Oakville News update of June 19, 2021. With the high number of cases nationwide and globally, all numbers are approximate (within 0.1% of the total.)
- 11,337 active cases - minus 461
- 1,088 active hospitalizations - minus 81
- 1.409 million confirmed and suspected cases to date - plus 720
- 1.37 million recoveries - plus 1,159
- 26,082 deaths - plus 22
- Ranked 66th in global deaths per capita at 69.32 per 100,000 people
US COVID-19 Update
- 33.341 million cumulative cases
- 598,713 deaths - plus 412
- 62.4% of 12 and up have received at least one dose of vaccine, and 53.3% are fully vaccinated.
- Ranked 20th in global deaths per capita at 183.35 per 100,000 people
World COVID-19 Update
- 178.30 million cases
- 3.865 million people have died worldwide
- At least 2.7 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide (source: Our World Data)